APPPATH/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php [ 28 ]
23 <div class="widget widget-post">
24 <div class="widget-title">Последние Отзывы</div>
25 <ul class="widget-list">
26 <?foreach ($reviewsProducts as $i):?>
27 <? if(! isset($i->getReviews()[0])) continue;?>
28 <?$review = $i->getReviews()[0]?>
29 <li>
30 <div class="widget-img"><a href="/product/<?=$i->id?>"><img src="<?=ImageFly::create_path($i->img,'w100-h67-c')?>" alt="<?=$i->name?>"></a></div>
31 <div>
32 <h4><a href="/product/<?=$i->id?>/reviews"><?=$review['info']?></a></h4>
33 <span><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><?=$review['date']?></span>
APPPATH/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php [ 28 ] » Kohana_Core::error_handler(arguments)
integer 8
string(19) "Undefined offset: 0"
string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php"
integer 28
array(16) ( "kohana_view_filename" => string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php" "kohana_view_data" => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
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=> NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "item" => object Model_Post(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "16" "title" => string(72) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1 по выгодной цене" "text" => string(5746) "<p>Хотите подарить Battlefield 1 другу? Или поэкспериментировать с читами? В любом случае вам понадобится запасной профиль. Купи …" "meta_t" => string(41) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "meta_d" => string(375) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1 в Origin недорого и с гарантией работоспособности. Бонусы и подарки клиентам. Только проверенные ак …" "views" => string(1) "0" "sub_type" => string(1) "0" "img" => string(57) "/media/uploads/post/5a76c8364cefegOP5WDdu_19629286[1].jpg" "category" => string(1) "5" "is_private" => string(1) "0" "page" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(12) ( "id" => string(2) "16" "title" => string(72) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1 по выгодной цене" "text" => string(5746) "<p>Хотите подарить Battlefield 1 другу? Или поэкспериментировать с читами? В любом случае вам понадобится запасной профиль. Купи …" "meta_t" => string(41) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "meta_d" => string(375) "Купить аккаунт Battlefield 1 в Origin недорого и с гарантией работоспособности. Бонусы и подарки клиентам. 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"select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "16" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
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=> NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"page" => object Page(7){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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"i" => object Model_Product(34){ protected _table_name => string(8) "products" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(23) ( "id" => string(4) "4348" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "1912813" "price" => string(3) "389" "name" => string(82) "Комплект прокачки GTA V PC 120LVL, 600мл$, всё открыто" "info" => string(1413) "<attention>Покупая данный комплект вы получаете в GTA Online: - 120 уровень персонажа. - 600.000.000$ игровой валюты. - Полно …" "add_info" => string(1566) "<attention>ВОПРОС - ОТВЕТ 1. Безопасно ли это? - Когда RockStar включают "банхаммер" - мы выключаем приём платежей. Поэтому, ко …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "0" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(3) "169" "refunds" => string(1) "2" "good_reviews" => string(2) "51" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(9) "RandowGMM" "seller_id" => string(6) "257605" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc7d698644Tz4cjq.jpg" "is_available" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(23) ( "id" => string(4) "4348" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "1912813" "price" => string(3) "389" "name" => string(82) "Комплект прокачки GTA V PC 120LVL, 600мл$, всё открыто" "info" => string(1413) "<attention>Покупая данный комплект вы получаете в GTA Online: - 120 уровень персонажа. - 600.000.000$ игровой валюты. - Полно …" "add_info" => string(1566) "<attention>ВОПРОС - ОТВЕТ 1. Безопасно ли это? - Когда RockStar включают "банхаммер" - мы выключаем приём платежей. 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string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "api_product_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(14) "api_product_id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(3) "api" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "UNI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "price" => array(11) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "min" => string(1) "0" "column_name" => string(5) "price" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(15) "double unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "250" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "info" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "info" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "add_info" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => 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"tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "agency_fee" => array(11) ( "type" => string(5) "float" "min" => string(1) "0" "column_name" => string(10) "agency_fee" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(15) "double unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "sales" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "refunds" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(7) "refunds" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "good_reviews" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(12) "good_reviews" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "bad_reviews" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "bad_reviews" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 15 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "seller_name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(11) "seller_name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 16 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "seller_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(9) "seller_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 17 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "pay_methods" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(11) "pay_methods" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 18 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 19 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 20 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 21 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 22 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_available" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(12) "is_available" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 23 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(4) "4348" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"review" => array(4) ( "type" => string(4) "good" "date" => string(19) "06.02.2021 21:08:07" "info" => string(11) "Very quick " "comment" => string(0) "" ) ){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "product" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }23 <div class="widget widget-post"> 24 <div class="widget-title">Последние Отзывы</div> 25 <ul class="widget-list"> 26 <?foreach ($reviewsProducts as $i):?> 27 <? if(! isset($i->getReviews()[0])) continue;?> 28 <?$review = $i->getReviews()[0]?> 29 <li> 30 <div class="widget-img"><a href="/product/<?=$i->id?>"><img src="<?=ImageFly::create_path($i->img,'w100-h67-c')?>" alt="<?=$i->name?>"></a></div> 31 <div> 32 <h4><a href="/product/<?=$i->id?>/reviews"><?=$review['info']?></a></h4> 33 <span><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i><?=$review['date']?></span>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php"
array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render()
231 */ 232 public function __toString() 233 { 234 try 235 { 236 return $this->render(); 237 } 238 catch (Exception $e) 239 { 240 /** 241 * Display the exception message.
APPPATH/views/content/catalog/product/list.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
39 </div> 40 <?endif;?> 41 </div> 42 <div class="col-lg-4"> 43 <?if(isset($sidebar)):?> 44 <?=$sidebar?> 45 <?endif?> 46 </div> 47 </div> 48 </div> 49 </section>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(64) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list.php"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(64) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list.php"
array(12) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"pagination" => object Pagination(17){ protected config => array(8) ( "items_per_page" => integer 8 "view" => string(13) "pagination/pg" "current_page" => array(2) ( "source" => string(5) "route" "key" => string(4) "page" ) "total_items" => integer 17 "auto_hide" => bool TRUE "first_page_in_url" => bool FALSE "max_left_pages" => integer 10 "max_right_pages" => integer 10 ) protected current_page => integer 1 protected total_items => integer 17 protected items_per_page => integer 8 protected total_pages => integer 3 protected current_first_item => integer 1 protected current_last_item => integer 8 protected previous_page => bool FALSE protected next_page => integer 2 protected first_page => bool FALSE protected last_page => integer 3 protected offset => integer 0 protected _request => object Request(19)
"popularCats" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
protected _route => object Route(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _route_params => array(4) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" ) protected max_left_pages => integer 10 protected max_right_pages => integer 10 }{ protected _internal_row => integer 0 protected _query => string(580) "SELECT `category`.`id` AS `id`, `category`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `category`.`lvl` AS `lvl`, `category`.`is_product` AS `is …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"recentPosts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(14) "Model_Category" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 2 protected _query => string(416) "SELECT `post`.`id` AS `id`, `post`.`title` AS `title`, `post`.`text` AS `text`, `post`.`meta_t` AS `meta_t`, `post`.`meta_k` AS …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"reviewsProducts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 2 protected _current_row => integer 2 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Post" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 4 protected _query => string(957) "SELECT `product`.`id` AS `id`, `product`.`category` AS `category`, `product`.`sub_type` AS `sub_type`, `product`.`api_product_id …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"sidebar" => object View(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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){ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ public partnerUID => string(32) "B9906CAAE7304D94A5A5707EEDD542B6" public agentID => string(6) "727128" }
"pagination" => object Pagination(17){ protected config => array(8) ( "items_per_page" => integer 8 "view" => string(13) "pagination/pg" "current_page" => array(2) ( "source" => string(5) "route" "key" => string(4) "page" ) "total_items" => integer 17 "auto_hide" => bool TRUE "first_page_in_url" => bool FALSE "max_left_pages" => integer 10 "max_right_pages" => integer 10 ) protected current_page => integer 1 protected total_items => integer 17 protected items_per_page => integer 8 protected total_pages => integer 3 protected current_first_item => integer 1 protected current_last_item => integer 8 protected previous_page => bool FALSE protected next_page => integer 2 protected first_page => bool FALSE protected last_page => integer 3 protected offset => integer 0 protected _request => object Request(19)
"popularCats" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
protected _route => object Route(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _route_params => array(4) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" ) protected max_left_pages => integer 10 protected max_right_pages => integer 10 }{ protected _internal_row => integer 0 protected _query => string(580) "SELECT `category`.`id` AS `id`, `category`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `category`.`lvl` AS `lvl`, `category`.`is_product` AS `is …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"recentPosts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(14) "Model_Category" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 2 protected _query => string(416) "SELECT `post`.`id` AS `id`, `post`.`title` AS `title`, `post`.`text` AS `text`, `post`.`meta_t` AS `meta_t`, `post`.`meta_k` AS …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"reviewsProducts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 2 protected _current_row => integer 2 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Post" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 4 protected _query => string(957) "SELECT `product`.`id` AS `id`, `product`.`category` AS `category`, `product`.`sub_type` AS `sub_type`, `product`.`api_product_id …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 236 ] » Kohana_View->render()
231 */ 232 public function __toString() 233 { 234 try 235 { 236 return $this->render(); 237 } 238 catch (Exception $e) 239 { 240 /** 241 * Display the exception message.
APPPATH/views/template.php [ 136 ] » Kohana_View->__toString()
131 <!-- /header --> 132 133 <?if(!empty($content)):?> 134 <?if(is_array($content)):?> 135 <?foreach ($content as $c):?> 136 <?=$c?> 137 <?endforeach?> 138 <?else:?> 139 <?=$content?> 140 <?endif;?> 141 <?endif?>
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 62 ] » include(arguments)
string(44) "/var/www/html/application/views/template.php"
57 ob_start(); 58 59 try 60 { 61 // Load the view within the current scope 62 include $kohana_view_filename; 63 } 64 catch (Exception $e) 65 { 66 // Delete the output buffer 67 ob_end_clean();
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/View.php [ 359 ] » Kohana_View::capture(arguments)
string(44) "/var/www/html/application/views/template.php"
array(1) ( "content" => array(2) ( 0 => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(71) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-header.php" protected _data => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
1 => object View(2){ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. Если у вас игра приобретена в S …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(2) "10" "sales" => string(1) "1" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "Deline_" "seller_id" => string(6) "852400" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd974b7dHPA1QpYR.jpg" ) 6 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4364" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2836097" "price" => string(3) "0.3" "name" => string(42) "Прокачка уровня GTA V Online" "info" => string(1383) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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"recentPosts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
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"reviewsProducts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
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=> NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) ){ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? 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"data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"sidebar" => object View(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _file => string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php" protected _data => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }354 { 355 throw new View_Exception('You must set the file to use within your view before rendering'); 356 } 357 358 // Combine local and global data and capture the output 359 return View::capture($this->_file, $this->_data); 360 } 361 362 }
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller/Template.php [ 44 ] » Kohana_View->render()
39 */ 40 public function after() 41 { 42 if ($this->auto_render === TRUE) 43 { 44 $this->response->body($this->template->render()); 45 } 46 47 parent::after(); 48 } 49
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Controller.php [ 87 ] » Kohana_Controller_Template->after()
82 83 // Execute the action itself 84 $this->{$action}(); 85 86 // Execute the "after action" method 87 $this->after(); 88 89 // Return the response 90 return $this->response; 91 } 92
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Controller->execute()
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client/Internal.php [ 94 ] » ReflectionMethod->invoke(arguments)
object Controller_Main(7)
{ public template => object View(2)
{ protected _file => string(44) "/var/www/html/application/views/template.php" protected _data => array(1) ( "content" => array(2) ( 0 => object View(2)
public data => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _file => string(71) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-header.php" protected _data => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
1 => object View(2){ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
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При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? 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"popularCats" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
protected _route => object Route(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _route_params => array(4) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" ) protected max_left_pages => integer 10 protected max_right_pages => integer 10 }{ protected _internal_row => integer 0 protected _query => string(580) "SELECT `category`.`id` AS `id`, `category`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `category`.`lvl` AS `lvl`, `category`.`is_product` AS `is …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"recentPosts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(14) "Model_Category" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 2 protected _query => string(416) "SELECT `post`.`id` AS `id`, `post`.`title` AS `title`, `post`.`text` AS `text`, `post`.`meta_t` AS `meta_t`, `post`.`meta_k` AS …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"reviewsProducts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 2 protected _current_row => integer 2 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Post" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 4 protected _query => string(957) "SELECT `product`.`id` AS `id`, `product`.`category` AS `category`, `product`.`sub_type` AS `sub_type`, `product`.`api_product_id …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( ... ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ public partnerUID => string(32) "B9906CAAE7304D94A5A5707EEDD542B6" public agentID => string(6) "727128" }
"pagination" => object Pagination(17){ protected config => array(8) ( "items_per_page" => integer 8 "view" => string(13) "pagination/pg" "current_page" => array(2) ( "source" => string(5) "route" "key" => string(4) "page" ) "total_items" => integer 17 "auto_hide" => bool TRUE "first_page_in_url" => bool FALSE "max_left_pages" => integer 10 "max_right_pages" => integer 10 ) protected current_page => integer 1 protected total_items => integer 17 protected items_per_page => integer 8 protected total_pages => integer 3 protected current_first_item => integer 1 protected current_last_item => integer 8 protected previous_page => bool FALSE protected next_page => integer 2 protected first_page => bool FALSE protected last_page => integer 3 protected offset => integer 0 protected _request => object Request(19)
"popularCats" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
protected _route => object Route(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _route_params => array(4) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" ) protected max_left_pages => integer 10 protected max_right_pages => integer 10 }{ protected _internal_row => integer 0 protected _query => string(580) "SELECT `category`.`id` AS `id`, `category`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `category`.`lvl` AS `lvl`, `category`.`is_product` AS `is …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"recentPosts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 0 protected _as_object => string(14) "Model_Category" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 2 protected _query => string(416) "SELECT `post`.`id` AS `id`, `post`.`title` AS `title`, `post`.`text` AS `text`, `post`.`meta_t` AS `meta_t`, `post`.`meta_k` AS …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"reviewsProducts" => object Database_MySQLi_Result(7){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 2 protected _current_row => integer 2 protected _as_object => string(10) "Model_Post" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _internal_row => integer 4 protected _query => string(957) "SELECT `product`.`id` AS `id`, `product`.`category` AS `category`, `product`.`sub_type` AS `sub_type`, `product`.`api_product_id …" protected _result => object mysqli_result(5)
"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"sidebar" => object View(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _file => string(72) "/var/www/html/application/views/content/catalog/product/list-sidebar.php" protected _data => array(11) ( "item" => object Model_Category(34)
) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( ... ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( ... ) "posts" => array(4) ( ... ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( ... ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( ... ) "lvl" => array(13) ( ... ) "is_product" => array(13) ( ... ) "title" => array(12) ( ... ) "text" => array(12) ( ... ) "img" => array(12) ( ... ) "cover" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( ... ) "sorting" => array(13) ( ... ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( ... ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( ... ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } protected _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( ... ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( ... ) "posts" => array(4) ( ... ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( ... ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( ... ) "lvl" => array(13) ( ... ) "is_product" => array(13) ( ... ) "title" => array(12) ( ... ) "text" => array(12) ( ... ) "img" => array(12) ( ... ) "cover" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( ... ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( ... ) "sorting" => array(13) ( ... ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( ... ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( ... ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } protected _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( ... ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( ... ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( ... ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6) { ... } protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( ... ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( ... ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( ... ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6) { ... } protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( ... ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( ... ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( ... ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6) { ... } protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( ... ) "name" => array(12) ( ... ) "icon" => array(12) ( ... ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( ... ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( ... ) "for_products" => array(13) ( ... ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. Если у вас игра приобретена в S …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(2) "10" "sales" => string(1) "1" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "Deline_" "seller_id" => string(6) "852400" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd974b7dHPA1QpYR.jpg" ) 6 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4364" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2836097" "price" => string(3) "0.3" "name" => string(42) "Прокачка уровня GTA V Online" "info" => string(1383) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } protected _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
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) }{ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18) { ... } protected _config => array(5) ( ... ) }
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "lvl" => string(1) "2" "is_product" => string(1) "1" "title" => string(5) "GTA V" "text" => string(0) "" "img" => string(61) "/media/uploads/img/5a70a5fb46f71mTM5EpvF_maxresdefault[3].jpg" "cover" => string(56) "/media/uploads/cover/5a70a5fb9c63cgwsqv21N_gta_cover.jpg" "meta_t" => string(5) "GTA 5" "meta_d" => string(0) "" "meta_k" => string(0) "" "sorting" => string(3) "999" "sales_cnt" => string(5) "36187" "reviews_cnt" => string(4) "7634" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "12" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"parent" => object Model_Category(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(10) "categories" protected _has_many => array(3) ( "products" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(10) "product_id" "model" => string(7) "Product" ) "subtypes" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => string(8) "products" "far_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) "posts" => array(4) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "through" => NULL "far_key" => string(7) "post_id" "model" => string(4) "Post" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(14) ( "id" => string(1) "1" "parent_id" => string(1) "0" "lvl" => string(1) "1" "is_product" => string(1) "0" "title" => string(8) "Игры" "text" => NULL "img" => string(0) "" "cover" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "sorting" => string(1) "1" "sales_cnt" => string(1) "0" "reviews_cnt" => string(1) "0" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(8) "category" protected _object_plural => string(10) "categories" protected _table_columns => array(14) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "lvl" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(3) "lvl" "column_default" => string(1) "1" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "display" => string(1) "2" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_product" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(4) "-128" "max" => string(3) "127" "column_name" => string(10) "is_product" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(7) "tinyint" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "cover" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "cover" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sorting" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(11) "-2147483648" "max" => string(10) "2147483647" "column_name" => string(7) "sorting" "column_default" => string(3) "999" "data_type" => string(3) "int" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sales_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "sales_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 13 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "reviews_cnt" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(11) "reviews_cnt" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 14 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "1" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
"subtypes" => array(3) ( 0 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(8) "category" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "4" "name" => string(16) "Аккаунты" "icon" => string(10) "fa fa-user" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => string(6) "для" "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "4" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
1 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(1) "9" "name" => string(31) "Пополнение счета" "icon" => string(11) "fa fa-money" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(1) "9" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
2 => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _table_name => string(9) "sub_types" protected _has_one => array(0) protected _belongs_to => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(6) ( "id" => string(2) "10" "name" => string(29) "Ключи и Пин-Коды" "icon" => string(9) "fa fa-key" "parent_id" => string(1) "1" "suffix_for" => NULL "for_products" => string(1) "1" ) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool TRUE protected _loaded => bool TRUE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(7) "subtype" protected _object_plural => string(8) "subtypes" protected _table_columns => array(6) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "name" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "name" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(2) "50" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "icon" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(4) "icon" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "parent_id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(9) "parent_id" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "suffix_for" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(10) "suffix_for" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "for_products" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(12) "for_products" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => string(2) "10" protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) "subtype" => object Model_Subtype(34){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(7) "subtype" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
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Безопасно ????" "info" => string(2244) "<attention> ???? Всем доброго времени суток! Предоставляю услуги БЕЗОПАСНОЙ прокачки аккаунта и накрутки игровой валюты в GTA 5 …" "add_info" => string(4535) "<attention> ???? После покупки: Напишите нам 16-ти значный уникальный код который вы получите после оплаты. 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Опл …" "add_info" => string(1626) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "5" "sales" => string(1) "4" "refunds" => string(1) "0" "good_reviews" => string(1) "0" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "0" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bd48cb46PnFImSJ2.jpg" ) 7 => array(22) ( "id" => string(4) "4344" "category" => string(2) "12" "sub_type" => string(1) "9" "api_product_id" => string(7) "2582233" "price" => string(3) "100" "name" => string(61) "Игровая валюта GTA V + Любой уровень" "info" => string(2080) "<attention> Мы предоставляем самые дешевые услуги по прокачке Вашего аккаунта GTA 5 на PC Не доступно на XBOX и PlayStation! При …" "add_info" => string(1232) "<attention>Вопрос: Как долго длится прокачка? Ответ: Сама прокачка не зависимо от заказа длится максимум 1 час при отсутствии о …" "desc" => NULL "in_stock" => string(1) "1" "agency_fee" => string(1) "3" "sales" => string(4) "1745" "refunds" => string(2) "16" "good_reviews" => string(3) "849" "bad_reviews" => string(1) "3" "seller_name" => string(7) "tatrinn" "seller_id" => string(6) "475638" "pay_methods" => string(67) "wmz,wmr,wme,wmx,mmr,pyu,rcc,zcc,ecc,pcr,qsr,rub,bnk,sbr,prr,alp,sft" "meta_t" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "img" => string(54) "/media/uploads/product/gta_5_5f3d4bc5c8019bVhhnh7c.jpg" ) ) "api" => object Digiseller(2){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
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"post" => object Model_Post(34){ public current_field => NULL public field_count => NULL public lengths => NULL public num_rows => NULL public type => NULL }
protected _total_rows => integer 5 protected _current_row => integer 3 protected _as_object => string(13) "Model_Product" protected _object_params => NULL }{ protected _table_name => string(5) "posts" protected _belongs_to => array(2) ( "cat" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "category" "model" => string(8) "Category" ) "subtype" => array(2) ( "foreign_key" => string(8) "sub_type" "model" => string(7) "Subtype" ) ) protected _has_one => array(0) protected _has_many => array(0) protected _load_with => array(0) protected _validation => NULL protected _object => array(12) ( "id" => NULL "title" => NULL "text" => NULL "meta_t" => NULL "meta_k" => NULL "meta_d" => NULL "views" => NULL "sub_type" => NULL "img" => NULL "category" => NULL "is_private" => NULL "page" => NULL ) protected _changed => array(0) protected _original_values => array(0) protected _related => array(0) protected _valid => bool FALSE protected _loaded => bool FALSE protected _saved => bool FALSE protected _sorting => NULL protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id" protected _object_name => string(4) "post" protected _object_plural => string(5) "posts" protected _table_columns => array(12) ( "id" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(2) "id" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 1 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(14) "auto_increment" "key" => string(3) "PRI" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "title" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(5) "title" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 2 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "text" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "character_maximum_length" => string(5) "65535" "column_name" => string(4) "text" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(4) "text" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 3 "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_t" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_t" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 4 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_k" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_k" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 5 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "meta_d" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(6) "meta_d" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 6 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "355" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "views" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(5) "views" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 7 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "sub_type" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "sub_type" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 8 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "img" => array(12) ( "type" => string(6) "string" "column_name" => string(3) "img" "column_default" => NULL "data_type" => string(7) "varchar" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 9 "character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255" "collation_name" => string(18) "utf8mb3_general_ci" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "category" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(8) "category" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 10 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(3) "MUL" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "is_private" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(3) "255" "column_name" => string(10) "is_private" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(16) "tinyint unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool FALSE "ordinal_position" => integer 11 "display" => string(1) "1" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) "page" => array(13) ( "type" => string(3) "int" "min" => string(1) "0" "max" => string(10) "4294967295" "column_name" => string(4) "page" "column_default" => string(1) "0" "data_type" => string(12) "int unsigned" "is_nullable" => bool TRUE "ordinal_position" => integer 12 "display" => string(2) "11" "comment" => string(0) "" "extra" => string(0) "" "key" => string(0) "" "privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references" ) ) protected _updated_column => NULL protected _created_column => NULL protected _serialize_columns => array(0) protected _primary_key => string(2) "id" protected _primary_key_value => NULL protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE protected _db => object Database_MySQLi(6)
) public ignoreProducts => array(0) public page => object Page(7){ protected _connection_id => string(40) "ca8354c1d4c8edc0fb160fc7b6c55f73c6683c7a" protected _identifier => string(1) "`" public last_query => string(262) "SELECT `subtype`.`id` AS `id`, `subtype`.`name` AS `name`, `subtype`.`icon` AS `icon`, `subtype`.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`, `su …" protected _instance => string(7) "default" protected _connection => object mysqli(18)
protected _db_group => NULL protected _db_applied => array(0) protected _db_pending => array(0) protected _db_reset => bool TRUE protected _db_builder => NULL protected _with_applied => array(0) protected _cast_data => array(0) protected _errors_filename => string(4) "post" }{ public affected_rows => NULL public client_info => NULL public client_version => NULL public connect_errno => NULL public connect_error => NULL public errno => NULL public error => NULL public error_list => NULL public field_count => NULL public host_info => NULL public info => NULL public insert_id => NULL public server_info => NULL public server_version => NULL public sqlstate => NULL public protocol_version => NULL public thread_id => NULL public warning_count => NULL }
protected _config => array(5) ( "type" => string(6) "MySQLi" "connection" => array(3) ( "hostname" => string(15) "mariadb_mariadb" "database" => string(13) "best_soft_org" "persistent" => bool FALSE ) "table_prefix" => string(0) "" "charset" => string(4) "utf8" "caching" => bool FALSE ) }{ protected _title => string(38) "Пополнение счета GTA V" protected _description => NULL protected _keywords => NULL protected _siteName => string(12) "" protected _titleDivider => string(3) "—" protected _socLinkPage => NULL protected _image => string(87) "[3].jpg" }
public auto_render => bool TRUE public request => object Request(19){ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
public response => object Response(5){ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
}{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }89 90 // Create a new instance of the controller 91 $controller = $class->newInstance($request, $response); 92 93 // Run the controller's execute() method 94 $response = $class->getMethod('execute')->invoke($controller); 95 96 if ( ! $response instanceof Response) 97 { 98 // Controller failed to return a Response. 99 throw new Kohana_Exception('Controller failed to return a Response');
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request/Client.php [ 114 ] » Kohana_Request_Client_Internal->execute_request(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
object Response(5)
{ protected _status => integer 200 protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0)
{ }
protected _body => string(0) "" protected _cookies => array(0) protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" }109 $orig_response = $response = Response::factory(['_protocol' => $request->protocol()]); 110 111 if (($cache = $this->cache()) instanceof HTTP_Cache) 112 return $cache->execute($this, $request, $response); 113 114 $response = $this->execute_request($request, $response); 115 116 // Execute response callbacks 117 foreach ($this->header_callbacks() as $header => $callback) 118 { 119 if ($response->headers($header))
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Request.php [ 1000 ] » Kohana_Request_Client->execute(arguments)
object Request(19)
{ protected _requested_with => NULL protected _method => string(3) "GET" protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1" protected _secure => bool FALSE protected _referrer => NULL protected _route => object Route(5)
{ protected _filters => array(0) protected _uri => string(32) "catalog/<id>/<id2>(/page/<page>)" protected _regex => array(3) ( "id" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "id2" => string(6) "[0-9]+" "page" => string(6) "[0-9]+" ) protected _defaults => array(3) ( "controller" => string(4) "main" "action" => string(15) "catalog_subtype" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _route_regex => string(71) "#^catalog/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/(?P<id2>[0-9]+)(?:/page/(?P<page>[0-9]+))?$#uD" }
protected _routes => array(0) protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0){ }
protected _body => NULL protected _directory => string(0) "" protected _controller => string(4) "Main" protected _action => string(15) "catalog_subtype" protected _uri => string(12) "catalog/12/9" protected _external => bool FALSE protected _params => array(3) ( "id" => string(2) "12" "id2" => string(1) "9" "page" => integer 1 ) protected _get => array(0) protected _post => array(0) protected _cookies => array(0) protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9){ protected _previous_environment => NULL protected _cache => NULL protected _follow => bool FALSE protected _follow_headers => array(1) ( 0 => string(13) "authorization" ) protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE protected _header_callbacks => array(1) ( "Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location" ) protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5 protected _callback_depth => integer 1 protected _callback_params => array(0) }
}995 throw new Request_Exception('Unable to execute :uri without a Kohana_Request_Client', [ 996 ':uri' => $this->_uri, 997 ]); 998 } 999 1000 return $this->_client->execute($this); 1001 } 1002 1003 /** 1004 * Returns whether this request is the initial request Kohana received. 1005 * Can be used to test for sub requests.
DOCROOT/index.php [ 120 ] » Kohana_Request->execute()
115 /** 116 * Execute the main request. A source of the URI can be passed, eg: $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']. 117 * If no source is specified, the URI will be automatically detected. 118 */ 119 echo Request::factory(TRUE, array(), FALSE) 120 ->execute() 121 ->send_headers(TRUE) 122 ->body(); 123 }